According to Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer is the most common Cancer in women, and it accounts for almost a third of all female Cancer.

Thankfully, while it may be the most common Cancer in women, it is also the most survivable with around three in four women diagnosed with Breast Cancer in surviving the disease for ten years or more.

Breast Cancer can have different symptoms, but often the first noticeable symptom is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue. While most breast lumps are not Cancer, it’s always best to have them checked by your doctor.

You should also see a doctor if you notice a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts, discharge from either of your nipples, a lump or swelling in either of armpit, dimpling on breast skin, a rash on or around your nipple, a change in the appearance of a nipple, for example appearing sunken into your breast.

Breast Cancer does not usually cause breast pain.

The exact causes of Breast Cancer are not fully understood, but certain factors are known to increase the risk of Breast Cancer. These include your age, the risk increases as you get older, a family history of Breast Cancer, previous Breast Cancer, a previous benign (non-cancerous) breast lump, being tall, being overweight or obese, and drinking alcohol.

If your doctor is unable to tell you the cause of any breast changes, they may refer you to a Specialist Breast Cancer Clinic for further tests. These might include breast imaging called Mammography or taking a small sample of breast tissue to be examined under a microscope – called a biopsy.


There are several different types of Breast Cancer, which develop in different parts of the breast.

Breast Cancer is often divided into either:

Non-invasive Breast Cancer or Carcinoma in situ, which is found in the ducts of the breast and has not spread into the surrounding breast tissue. This type of Breast Cancer is usually found during a routine screening Mammogram and rarely shows as a breast lump.

Invasive Breast Cancer, the most common type of Breast Cancer where the Cancer cells have spread through the lining of the ducts into the surrounding breast tissue.

There are also some other, less common types of Breast Cancer.

It is possible for Breast Cancer to spread to other parts of the body, usually through the blood or lymph nodes and, if this happens, it is called secondary, or metastatic, Breast Cancer.


Tracking changes in your breast tissue – Breast Cancer screening

Mammographic screening, where X-ray images of the breast are taken, is the most commonly available way of finding a change in your breast tissue (lesion) at an early stage.

Women with a higher-than-average risk of developing Breast Cancer may be offered screening and genetic testing for the condition and all women aged between 50 and 70 years old are invited for Breast Cancer screening every 3 years.

Women over the age of 70 are also entitled to screening and can arrange an appointment through their GP or local screening unit.


If Cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be treated before it spreads to other parts of the body.

Breast Cancer is usually treated using a combination of surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.

Surgery is usually the first type of treatment, followed by Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy or, in some cases, hormone treatments.

The type of surgery and the treatment which follows will depend on the type of Breast Cancer.