Lung Cancer Awareness

Lung Cancer Awareness

Lung Cancer is the most common cause of Cancer death in the UK. This is for both men and women. More than 43,000 people are diagnosed with this condition every year in the UK. Cancer is a condition that starts when abnormal or damaged cells grow and multiply in areas...


Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects to some degree 1 in every 10 people in the UK. Those with Dyslexia find that predominantly reading and writing can be difficult, but may also affect the processing of information and the retaining of it. Individuals’...
Breast Cancer Blog

Breast Cancer Blog

According to Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer is the most common Cancer in women, and it accounts for almost a third of all female Cancer. Thankfully, while it may be the most common Cancer in women, it is also the most survivable with around three in four women...
Anaphylaxis Awareness

Anaphylaxis Awareness

Anaphylaxis Awareness When a harmless substance such as dust, mould, or pollen (the allergen) is encountered by a person who is allergic to that substance, the immune system may over-react by producing antibodies that “attack” the allergen. This can cause...


Everyone can have low moods on occasion, however, if the low mood continues for some time and starts to interfere with your normal activities of daily living, this may be a form of Depression. There are a number of different types of Depression: Persistent Depressive...


Anxiety is what we feel when we are experiencing more Stress than normal. This can be physical or emotional Stress and can be due to a wealth of issues both in our personal lives and at work.  Physical Stress can be as a result of an unstable medical condition, or new...