We are all encouraged to eat a healthy balanced diet to keep us fit and healthy.  Splitting your food intake into groups and portion sizes, can help with this and guide you to eating and drinking healthily.

The EATWELL PLATE can show you how to do this to ensure you are not eating too much or too little of each food group.

The EATWELL PLATE can be accessed via this Government Service link.


The National Health Service (NHS) recommend that we drink 1.5 to 2.5 litres of fluid a day to maintain hydration; however, extra fluid will be required, if you work within a hot sweaty environment, you exercise or in hot weather. NEVER WAIT TO BECOME THIRSTY, this indicate you are not hydrated.

A healthy eating plan will protect you from chronic diseases, such as Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer.  Eating a variety of food, reducing salt intake, sugar and saturated fat are essential for a healthy diet.  Saturated fats, salt and sugar are found within processed and manufactured food and the levels will often be very high.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommend, your fat intake should be reduced to below 30% daily intake. You can reduce saturated fats, by making changes to unsaturated fats found in foods such as, Fish, Avocado, Nuts, Olive Oil, Soy, Sunflower and Corn Oils.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) give guidance on salt intake and advise, that an adult should not consume any more than 6gms (teaspoon) of salt a day. This figure is lower for children.

You can access further information by visiting: https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/support/healthy-living/healthy-eating/salt

NHS guidelines on 5 a day fruit and vegetable intake and show a portion size within their Live well – Eat well information.  This can be accessed by visiting:


Healthy eating comprises of a variety of different food groups, on a regular basis. No one said you are not allowed treats, but they need to be moderated throughout the week.